ArcGISKit Documentation

Function delete(_:​from:​gdb​Version:​)

public func delete(
		_ featureIDs: [Int],
		from id: String,
		gdbVersion: String? = nil

Deletes features from the FeatureLayer with the id of id.

To delete the first feature from the first layer, you could write:

let result = await myFeatureServer
	.query(layerQueries: [.init(whereClause: "1=1", layerID: "0")])

switch result {
 	case .success(let layers):
		let feature = layers[0].features[0]
		let res = await myFeatureServer
			.delete([feature.attributes!["OBJECTID"].intValue], from: String(layers[0].id))
	case .failure(let error): ...


feature​IDs [Int]

The ID of the Features you wish to delete.

id String

The ID of the FeatureLayer you wish to delete the features from.

gdb​Version String?

The version of the geo-database you want to delete features from.

